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Biohazard V2
Файл был добавлен 27.01.2012, 16:51

Бета версия 2.00 3b
Добавлено teaminfo задержка коррекции.
Изменившее смертельный метод обнаружения.

И опять люди против зомби.
Зомби могут выбрать одну из пяти рас - быстрый, сильный и тд...
У людей все как обычно.

//Enables or disables mod when the server starts.
bh_enabled 1

//Blocks survivors NVG. Note: They still can buy it.
bh_block_nvg 1

//Blocks players from buying.
bh_blockbuyzone 1

//Enable weapons menu.
bh_weaponsmenu 1

//Randomly spawns everyone every new round. Note: Uses csdm spawn points.
bh_randomspawn 1

//How long till the infected player shows up.
bh_starttime 10.0

//Maximum zombies. Lower the value if experiencing disconnections.
bh_maxzombies 16

//Use custom knife sounds.
bh_customsounds 1

//Use custom zombie win sounds.
bh_winsounds 1

//0 = off, 1 = unlimited ammo, 2 = unlimited clip.
bh_ammo 1

//Grenade damage multiplier
bh_hedmg_multi 1.0

//Turn NVG on when infected.
bh_autonvg 1

//Frag bonus when killing a zombie.
bh_zombie_kill_bonus 2

//Health bonus for the first zombie
bh_zombie_hp_bonus 65

//Maximum zombie health
bh_zombie_hp 135

//Zombies field of view. Note: Use 0 to disable.
bh_zombie_vision 120

//Allow zombies to resist pain shock till they reach bh_zombie_kb_hp.
bh_zombie_resist 1

//Minimum zombie health to slow them down.
bh_zombie_kb_hp 90

//Zombies dont slow down when ducking.
bh_zombie_kb_duck 1

//Zombies speed.
bh_zombie_speed 260.0

//zombie melee damage multiplier.
bh_zombie_atk_multi 1.5

//Bullet damage multiplier (Default:0.087) (8.7%)
bh_zombie_def_multi 0.087

//Enables zombie health regeneration.
bh_zombie_regen 1

//How long till zombies regenerate after a hit
bh_zombie_regendly1 2.0

//How fast zombies regenerate their health.
bh_zombie_regendly2 0.25

//Flashbangs only blind zombies.
bh_flashbang 1

//// CVARs on the bottom should not be changed during gameplay.

//Enable fog.
bh_fog_enable 1

//Fog color.
bh_fog_color "0 0 0"

//Fog density.
bh_fog_desity 12

//Sets map light value ('a' darkest to 'z' brightest). Note: Leave blank to disable.
bh_lights "d"

//Sets sv_skyname. Note: Leave blank to disable.
bh_skyname "night"

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Категория: Моды cs 1.6 | Добавил: FaSya
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